Awulae Amankrah Panyin Abbabio VI Remains Newly Installed Paramount Chief Of Gwira—Kingmakers Disown Awulae Angama Tu-Agyan

According to kingmakers and elders, their current decision to perform necessary rituals to lawfully, traditionally and customarily installed Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI has been not be put on hold, calling on general public, particularly the residents in the area to accord him such chieftaincy title respect.

Awulae Amankrah Panyin Abbabio VI Remains Newly Installed Paramount Chief Of Gwira—Kingmakers Disown Awulae Angama Tu-Agyan
Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI

The allodia owners of the Gwira Bamiankor 
Royal Paramount Stool land and accredited elders, heads of families and principal kingmakers of Gwira Traditional Area in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region have states that Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI has still remained a new traditionally and customarily installed Paramount Chief of Gwira Traditional Area.

According to kingmakers and elders, their current decision to perform necessary rituals to lawfully, traditionally and customarily installed Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI has been not be put on hold, calling on general public, particularly the residents in the area to accord him such chieftaincy title respect.

They stresed that since the installation of recognised Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI, he has started to rule the Gwira Traditional Area and  carry out his chieftaincy duties in compliance with the law, custom, and tradition.

They warned various self-seeking elders and faceless groups who are attacking the integrity of the newly installed Paramount Chief of Gwira Traditional Area to stop their continous habit.

They stated categorically that Henry Acquah alias Awulae Agama Tuagyan who is parading himself as the Paramount Chief of the Gwira Traditional Area was not recognised as chief in the area.

"Even we not have such name of Awulae Agama Tuagyan Chieftaincy historical record in our area," the kingmakers and elders set the record straight, clarifying that the only recognised Paramount chief of the area is Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI who is carrying out his chieftaincy duties.

The principal kingmakers and accredited elders issued the warning while debunking a report  published on and other media outlets to the effect that reports claiming that Awulae Amankrah Panyin Ababio VI has been installed as the next supreme chief of the Gwira Traditional Area have been flatly denied and rejected by the Gwira Traditional Council (GTC).

But in a quick rebuttal, the kingmakers and elders of Gwira rubbished the claim made in the so-called press statement signed by Henry Acquah calling himsel Awulae Angama Tu-Agyan II, stressing that such chieftaincy title name--Awulae Angama Tu-Agyan does not exist  in the area.

"Our are putting it on the public domain that overlord Awulae Amankrah Panyin VI, remains the newly legitimate Paramount chief in accordance with the Chieftaincy Act 759 of 2008 which captured in section 57, sub section (1) who a chief is,they declared," they further clarified.

According to them, since Amankra Payin IV who doubles as the former President of Western Regional House of Chiefs died in July 16 1995, there is no legally and lawfully constituted Gwira Traditional Council.

For the kingmakers and elders, they were of the view that the newly estooled Paramount chief would use his business expertise to reconstitute or reform the effective and workable Traditional Council for Gwira, who will work with the government to bring the need social and infrastructural developmental projects and programmes to the people in the area.

The royal family members would like to caution all the divisional and sub-chiefs as well as investors, individual esteemed organisations and Minerals Commission of Ghana to immediately refrain from dealing with one Henry Acquah alias Awulae Agama Tuagyan who is parading himself as the Paramount Chief of the area as any of such act will be deemed contrary to the dictates of the Paramountcy and shall be observed as a gross disrespect to the stool," the owners of the Gwira Traditional Area reiterated.

They further clarified that the unaccredited elders and kingmakers who unlawfully, illegally and uncustomarily performed the rituals for Henry Acquah's installation doesn't have traditional capacity to install Bamiankor Gwira Paramount chief.

According to them, this has informed the current decision being taken by allodia owners of the Gwira Bamiankor Royal Paramount Stool and accredited elders, heads of families and principal kingmakers of Gwira Traditional Area to install Awulae Amankrah Panyin AbbabioVI as a recognised and genuine new Paramount Chief of the area.

Against this backdrop, elders of Bamiakor Gwira repeated their call on all the citizens, including private and public organisations and individuals to immediately stop dealing with Henry Acquah as a chief of Bamiakor Gwira, since they had installed Awulae Amankrah Panyin Abbabio VI as a new Paramount Chief of the area.

They further called on individuals, organizations, divisional and sub-chiefs, investors, and the general public to desist from engaging with Henry Acquah as a chief of Bamiakor Gwira will be deemed a violation of the authority of the legitimate Gwira Traditional Council and may have legal consequences.”