GoGrace: The Woman Ruled Over The Man In The Garden; What You Never Knew Happened In The Garden

The woman went AWOL from her duty when the man abandoned her, in other words, he didn’t know her mission

GoGrace: The Woman Ruled Over The Man In The Garden; What You Never Knew Happened In The Garden
How Eve ruled over Adam in the Garden

The Woman becomes the man’s weakness in times of strength and at the same time his strength in times of weakness. She alone apart from God knows the way to the man’s heart. They make kings and giants fall.

They resurrect the weak and feeble. God purposely created her to control the autocratic rule that the world will be experiencing. Without the woman, the world will be full of uncounseled men fighting for power.

Hell would have emerged. Again, without the woman, man will seek to contest God just like Nimrod leading a group of men to build the tower of babel. The woman is indeed the tape measure for God.


So why did the woman go wayward?

The woman went AWOL from her duty when the man abandoned her, in other words, he didn’t know her mission. Adam discarded her not knowing the significance of Eve. As the devil watched every move in the Garden between Adam and wife, he outlined the meaning and the reason why the woman was created. He just did not go-ahead to work.

He needed a way to lure that tremendous creature from the man. First, He had to test the woman himself through the snake. In fact, he found the woman to be his time bomb ready to explode in the Garden. “If I want to get to the man, the head of the Garden, then I must get to his opposite because when one side is affected, it weakens the entire unit” he must have thought.

So through the serpent, the experiment began for what I believe to be a couple of months. The reason is that, before you can utilize the good things in a woman, first just don’t marry her in a few days, just get to know where she can lead you to. Knowledge is power; they say and as you experience her presence and investigate her, the intent at which she wants to come into your life will be made known.

That is the most important thing when a man first sights a woman. Don’t just connect with her because she is beautiful. That is wrong. So the enemy through the snake played, ate, made fun and entertained the woman. This he did to know who she really is. When this was done, the woman was into the charms of the snake. Then, the “missilic” question came into being.

Did God say you should NOT eat from the tree…? Hmm! Be honest to yourself… Have you witnessed a case where the most beautiful woman in a town chased by noble guys later falls in the arms of the one with a sense of humour? That’s how it works. Adam did not know this.


The woman then occupies man’s position

When the woman was modified into what she was not by the enemy leading to the fall of man, the opposite sides changed. She took the man’s post that moment under the charm of the devil as the man occupied his post. There was an authoritative shift which led to a change in responsibility.

The woman began to control the man in the Garden. She was polluted by the snake to take the power of the man and rule over him. She did that and curled the man under her spell. We just preach it raw making it look like God walked in the Garden the moment they sinned. No. Genesis is an account.

The detail is with the Holy Spirit and He has hidden the real story in the Word. Observe carefully; Before God walked in, lots have happened and the woman was enjoying her new role as the boss in nakedness. The man was under that spell after eating from the tree. The rank exalting the man as head was out.

The woman was enjoying that position with the snake possessed by the Devil. If not, why do you think God gave the order, “Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will rule over you” (Genesis 3:16b). What does the statement mean?

It means your wish or yearning is to rule your husband but I did not make it that way, I created you out of him therefore, he has that power over you. He will rule over you no matter what. Why do you think the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul’s writing admonish women to submit to their husbands and husband to love their wives?

Because the woman who was to submit rather needed power to rule whiles the man who had to rule submitted due to the charm. That spirit is in worldly women and they always seek to control their husbands.

Look around you today, when the enemy wants to destroy a marriage, he hits the man’s job and makes the woman very active in finance. Gradually, as the man depends on the woman, he loses his headship and submits to the woman.

Lots of men are women today whiles women have taken the position of men directing and instructing the home. It’s an error. Why do you think many countries in the world today value the woman more than the man? why do you think the woman wants to go to school to the highest and be like the man? why do you think in Law agencies, women according to the job principles must cut their hair to be like the man.

I’m not saying there is an abuse of power in women that have their hairs cut. I’m laying emphasis on jobs that mandate women to cut their hairs. God have mercy on us.